And I said, I don't care if they lay me off either, because I told, I told Bill that if they move my desk one more time, then, then I'm, I'm quitting, I'm going to quit. And, and I told Don too, because they've moved my desk four times already this year, and I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were merry, but then, they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn't bind up as much, and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler and it's not okay because if they take my stapler then I'll set the building on fire.


:: Joshua Starling


Note from Artie

I apologize for my extended hiatus from the Artie’cles.

Since writing, I have come to the realization that:

A) I work with the greatest people in State Government.

B) I want to keep Artie’cles fresh with new ideas and new styles instead of the stagnation of repetition.

C) When you have a job, you actually have to do some work (unlike some slackers who take six years to get a four year degree—touché my amigo). If I didn’t think so highly of my buddy the Captain, I would go off and wage a war against him for his comment. Instead, I will leave it at my very cheap shot.


Consider this Febreeze for the Artie’cles

I present to you: Thoughts from the blotter.

These are 100% real incidents that have come from the Citizens of Florida to the State of Florida Warning Point.

Case Files

Case #1

Date/Time:          06/07               1430
Location:            Leon

Incident:             Hazardous Materials

A private citizen in Tallahassee reported he saw a white powder in his mailbox. Upon investigation by the local Fire Department, the powder was determined to actually be a white envelope.

Status: closed.

My reaction: Power or Envelopes. Can you sympathize? Do you wonder who isn’t going to get their bills paid on time when you spill the packet of creamer? Do you wonder why the envelope will not dissolve in your Cup of Joe?

Case #2

Date/Time:          06/25               1717
Location:            Broward
Incident:             General

A private citizen called in regards to mold in her residence in Davie. Caller is concerned about her child who has special needs. Remedial actions unknown.

Status: closed. 

My reaction: Yes, I do feel bad for the child. I only wish the caller would either call a maid instead of the State of Florida or go to the store and buy a bottle of Tilex.

Case #3

Date/Time:          06/20               1218
Location:            Volusia
Incident:             General

Certain unknown "items" were reported stolen from a sub contractor's vehicle in Deltona. Remedial actions unknown.

Status: closed.

My reaction: Are you sure the “unknown items” were really stolen? If so, how do you know? Try looking for them on Ebay. Search for “Unknown Items.”

Case #4

Date/Time:         06/19               0745
Location:           Broward
Incident:            Migration

Three Cuban nationals landed in Pompano Beach. All 3 were in good health. Broward County notified Border Patrol and Border Patrol has them at this time. They landed in a 14ft wooden boat.

Status: closed.

My reaction: Sounds like some bad jokes I have heard.

Case #5

Date/Time:         06/20               0958
Location:           Charlotte
Incident:            Drinking Water Facilities

A trespassing incident was reported at a Drinking Water Facility in Harbor Heights. An unknown amount of piping was stolen from the facility. No access to, or degradation of, the drinking water reported.

Status: closed.

My reaction: Well, I guess it is cheaper than Home Depot or Lowes. Perhaps I will look search Ebay for water treatment facility pipes.

Man Versus Machine
The rest of the cases are not actually funny. There was a wave after the popular Brad Pitt movie that lead people all around the world to develop so-called fight clubs. Now it seems as if the whole superman thing resurging in the form of train-fighting. Call it man against machine if you will, but I am not amused. It seems that each time a person goes up against one of these monsters, the person always loses. Can we take a hint? People, please. Stop trying to over power the trains. Seriously, stay away from the tracks folks.

Date/Time:    06/23       0145
Location:      Palm Beach
Incident:       Railroad

A freight train vs pedestrian incident was reported in Riviera Beach. One fatality reported.

Status: closed.

Date/Time:          06/18               1005
Location:            Broward
Incident:             Railroad

Train vs. Vehicle incident reported in Oakland Park. Vehicle was struck and drug by the train. Injuries unknown. No derailments or spills reported. Oakland Park Blvd. was closed for approx. 2 hours.

Status: closed.

Date/Time:          06/19               0305
Location:            Martin
Incident:             Railroad

The caller reported a train vs trespasser incident near Hobe Sound. 1 fatality reported.

Status: closed.

Date/Time:          06/11               0854
Location:            Duval
Incident:             Railroad

An Amtrak train vs. vehicle incident was reported in Jacksonville. Injuries unknown. No derailments or spills reported.

Status: closed.

Date/Time:    06/09       0902
Location:      Suwannee
Incident:       Railroad

A train vs vehicle incident reported in Live Oak. 5 people reported injured. No derailments or spills reported.

Status: closed.

Date/Time:     06/10       0133
Location:       Broward
Incident:        Railroad

A train vs pedestrian incident was reported in Hallandale. One fatality reported.

Status: closed.

Date/Time:    06/09       0038
Location:      Palm Beach
Incident:       Railroad

A train vs trespasser incident was reported in West Palm Beach. One fatality reported.

Status: closed.

Copyright © 2004

2004 Artie'cles

Artie'cles 1

Artie'cles 2

Artie'cles 3 

Artie'cles 4

Artie'cles 5

Artie'cles 6

Artie'cles 7

Artie'cles 8

Artie'cles 9

Artie'cles 10