Awwwww Right

Ramblings of a 6th Year Senior

:: Joshua Starling


Ramblings 3 - July 4th Road Trip

So I hope everyone had a fun and safe Fourth. I had a blast and came back with some quality stories. For those not in the loop myself and Webmaster J took a little road trip up to the beautiful Cherokee, NC. On the way there we rocked out in Athens, and met the living breathing Joe Dirt. Life in the south is most excellent. I’d like to also throw out love to everyone in Cherokee and my lovely downstairs neighbors in Athens (Kim I swear I was just messing with you about dating your sister). Ok so on to an all new adventure with the Captain.

As I mentioned before yours truly and Webmaster J went up to Cherokee for the weekend, well on the way up we get this bright idea to buy a couple of watermelons. It is the 4th and we love some watermelons (call it our upbringing).  So we’re cruising up 129 just south of Athens when we get to a 4 way stop in two miles east of nowhere. We are talking the sticks here, Deliverance type countryside. There is this little BP over to one side that always sells boiled peanuts no matter what time of year. Anyway there is this white serial killer van parked over in this empty lot, and the guy is selling watermelons out of it so we stop.

When we step out of the car this little kid, who couldn’t be more than 4 or 5, walks up to us holding out an already open peanut and offers it to us. This little kid was classic; he had on blue jean shorts, a dirty wife beater, bare foot, covered head to toe in dirt. Little Man was country as a chicken coupe. So we declined his offer considering he was holding another set of nuts with his other hand. After we got done haggling over the price of the watermelons I started loading them into the car when Little Man walks up and tugs on my pants leg this conversation ensues:

“Hey mister what your car smells like?” – LM

“Uhhh, like a car Little Man.” – Me (note I’m a little weirder out)

“Hey mister, can I smell your car?” – LM

“Sure Little Man” – Me (at this pt he sticks his head in my door and takes a big whiff)

“Ummm Mister your car smells good. Mine just smells like watermelon.” – LM

Now I’ve experienced some backwoods adventures, but never, never, never have I had a miniature Joe Dirt ask to smell my car. But no story would be complete without Little Man walking over to the van and opening up a new peanut and offering to me and Webmaster J. Needless to say we declined his second offer. God Bless Little Man he never had a chance.

Onto a late breaking story, does out there want a cute, little orange kitten? I swear I’ll give the good one, Orange Cat. Well kiddies right now the Captain is feeling his age and is about to hit the bed. But before I do I’d like to send some special love to the Wonderful, Talented, Beautiful, Smart, occasionally Sexy, but always Fun Bell Mary (for the record she asked for a really long tagline, I believe someone thinks too much of herself). I know you had a rough weekend, but you’re way too hot for him anyway. Also because girls tend to get jealous and are the devil (yeah I said it), I’ll leave you with a quote from the Lovely Heather, “I’ve got my lipstick, purse, and fat friend”. I’ll leave the translation up to you guys. Remember never fly solo because you never know when you’ll need a wingman. And the grass may not be greener on the other-other side.

You crazy kids be safe,

Captain Matt

Email the Captin'

Copyright © 2004

Summer 04 Edition

Ramblings 1

Ramblings 2

Ramblings 3

Ramblings 4

Ramblings 5

Ramblings 6

Ramblings 7